Tuscany’s Technological Redemption with Matching Day

A day to inspire, and rediscover the possibilities of technology, Matching Day Confartigianato is a sure-fire method in reinstating faith in the Tuscan ICT industry. 

On February 11th, Matching Day will take place, allowing businesses to meet and compare manufacturing enterprises and technological pursuits throughout the information technology industry. The event will not only revive the existing technological methods with fresh, innovative approaches, but it will also give small businesses the chance to flourish with the presentation of new ideas, collaborations and craftsmanship. From 9:30 to 5:30, the Auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce in Prato will be transformed to house this technological fanfare.

What started as a small-scale initiative in Udine back in 2009 has generated significant interest from vast regions across Italy, and has been taking place in Tuscany since 2012. Various editions of Matching Day have taken place throughout Italy as a result of its success.

Considered to be the “speed dating of business”, Matching Day will allow participants to partake in up to 25 scheduled “meetings”. Each being 15 minutes, the meetings will give participants the opportunity to communicate with entrepreneurs and companies who may be suited to their industry needs and aspirations. The participating sectors range from construction to engineering to fashion, each of which will be highlighting their services and offers in being able to increase productivity and advance technologically. Each participant will be given an agenda with their scheduled appointments, spread out accordingly throughout the day so as to maximize the number of successful partnerships and collaborations. Those interested in partaking in Matching Day are asked to fill out an online application.

As a highly regarded industry with a lot of economic potential, this type of event will help to succinctly get Italy’s technological sector back in prosperous order. While the country has a long way to go, creating alliances through events like this one are the first step to the sector’s redemption.

Unfortunately, Tuscan regions are considered “behind” in their technological pursuits. Studies have shown that companies relying on newer technology have done significantly better than others, though Italy has not been able to thrive due to the platforms being aimed more towards North European countries. With this in mind, it is clear that Italy’s potential to make a gigantic comeback in the industry is undeniable. By bringing entrepreneurs and professionals together with the intention of expanding business opportunities and sharing ideas, the local benefits of this event will have a definite effect on what Italian ICT can bring on a global scale.

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